from xdg import xdg_config_home import click, sys, shutil, subprocess from run import run def handle_acsm(acsm_path): drm_path = acsm_path.with_suffix('.drm') adobe_dir = xdg_config_home() / 'knock' / 'acsm' if drm_path.exists(): click.echo(f"Error: {drm_path} must be moved out of the way or deleted.", err=True) sys.exit(1) adobe_dir.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) if ( not (adobe_dir / 'device.xml').exists() or not (adobe_dir / 'activation.xml').exists() or not (adobe_dir / 'devicesalt').exists() ): shutil.rmtree(str(adobe_dir)) click.echo('This device is not registered with Adobe.') email = click.prompt("Enter your Adobe account's email address") password = click.prompt("Enter your Adobe account's password", hide_input=True) click.echo('Registering this device with Adobe...') run( [ 'adept-register', '-u', email, '-O', str(adobe_dir) ], stdin=password+'\n', cleanser=lambda:shutil.rmtree(str(adobe_dir)) ) click.echo('Downloading the EPUB file from Adobe...') run([ 'adept-download', '-d', str(adobe_dir.joinpath('device.xml')), '-a', str(adobe_dir.joinpath('activation.xml')), '-k', str(adobe_dir.joinpath('devicesalt')), '-o', str(drm_path), '-f', str(acsm_path) ]) drm_file_type = magic.from_file(str(args.drm_file), mime=True) if drm_file_type == 'application/epub+zip': decryption_command = 'inept-epub' elif drm_file_type == 'application/pdf': decryption_command = 'inept-pdf' else: click.echo(f'Error: Received file of media type {drm_file_type}.', err=True) click.echo('Only the following ACSM conversions are currently supported:', err=True) click.echo(' * ACSM -> EPUB', err=True) click.echo(' * ACSM -> PDF', err=True) click.echo('Please open a feature request at:', err=True) click.echo(f'{drm_file_type}%20Files&labels=enhancement', err=True) sys.exit(1) click.echo('Decrypting the file...') run([ decryption_command, str(args.adobe_dir.joinpath('activation.xml')), str(args.drm_file), str(args.epub_file) ]) args.drm_file.unlink() click.secho(f'DRM-free EPUB file created:\n{str(args.epub_file)}', color='green')