import click, subprocess, sys # run a command and display output in a styled terminal # cleanser is called if the command returns a >0 exit code def run(command: [str], stdin: str = '', cleanser = lambda: None) -> int: open_fake_terminal(' '.join(command)) result = command, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, input=stdin.encode(), check=False # don't throw Python error if returncode isn't 0 ) close_fake_terminal(result.returncode, cleanser) return result.returncode def open_fake_terminal(command: str): click.secho('', fg='white', bg='black', bold=True, reset=False) # show command click.echo(f'knock> {command}') # remove bold click.secho('', fg='white', bg='black', bold=False, reset=False) def close_fake_terminal(exit_code: int, cleanser = lambda: None): click.secho(f'\nknock[{exit_code}]>', bold=True) # newline click.echo('') if exit_code > 0: cleanser() click.echo(f'Error: Command returned error code {exit_code}.', err=True) sys.exit(1) def verify_absence_of(file_path): if m4b_path.exists(): click.echo(f"Error: {file_path} must be moved out of the way or deleted.", err=True) sys.exit(1)