use heck::SnakeCase; use proc_macro::TokenStream; use proc_macro2::{Ident, TokenStream as TokenStream2}; use quote::{format_ident, quote}; use syn::{ Attribute, FnArg, ItemFn, PatType, ReturnType, Type, parse_macro_input }; use std::str::FromStr; pub enum Method { ReadAll, Read, Search, Create, UpdateAll, Update, DeleteAll, Delete } impl FromStr for Method { type Err = String; fn from_str(str : &str) -> Result { match str { "ReadAll" | "read_all" => Ok(Self::ReadAll), "Read" | "read" => Ok(Self::Read), "Search" | "search" => Ok(Self::Search), "Create" | "create" => Ok(Self::Create), "UpdateAll" | "update_all" => Ok(Self::UpdateAll), "Update" | "update" => Ok(Self::Update), "DeleteAll" | "delete_all" => Ok(Self::DeleteAll), "Delete" | "delete" => Ok(Self::Delete), _ => Err("unknown method".to_string()) } } } impl Method { pub fn trait_ident(&self) -> Ident { use Method::*; let name = match self { ReadAll => "ReadAll", Read => "Read", Search => "Search", Create => "Create", UpdateAll => "UpdateAll", Update => "Update", DeleteAll => "DeleteAll", Delete => "Delete" }; format_ident!("Resource{}", name) } pub fn fn_ident(&self) -> Ident { use Method::*; let name = match self { ReadAll => "read_all", Read => "read", Search => "search", Create => "create", UpdateAll => "update_all", Update => "update", DeleteAll => "delete_all", Delete => "delete" }; format_ident!("{}", name) } pub fn setup_ident(&self, resource : String) -> Ident { format_ident!("{}_{}_setup_impl", resource.to_snake_case(), self.fn_ident()) } } enum MethodArgumentType { StateRef, StateMutRef, MethodArg(Type), DatabaseConnection(Type), AuthStatus(Type), AuthStatusRef(Type) } impl MethodArgumentType { fn is_method_arg(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::MethodArg(_) => true, _ => false, } } fn is_database_conn(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::DatabaseConnection(_) => true, _ => false } } fn is_auth_status(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::AuthStatus(_) | Self::AuthStatusRef(_) => true, _ => false } } fn is_auth_status_ref(&self) -> bool { match self { Self::AuthStatusRef(_) => true, _ => false } } fn quote_ty(&self) -> Option { match self { Self::MethodArg(ty) => Some(quote!(#ty)), Self::DatabaseConnection(ty) => Some(quote!(#ty)), Self::AuthStatus(ty) => Some(quote!(#ty)), Self::AuthStatusRef(ty) => Some(quote!(#ty)), _ => None } } } struct MethodArgument { ident : Ident, ty : MethodArgumentType } fn interpret_arg_ty(index : usize, attrs : &[Attribute], name : &str, ty : Type) -> MethodArgumentType { let attr = attrs.into_iter() .filter(|arg| arg.path.segments.iter().filter(|path| &path.ident.to_string() == "rest_arg").nth(0).is_some()) .nth(0) .map(|arg| arg.tokens.to_string()); if cfg!(feature = "auth") && (attr.as_deref() == Some("auth") || (attr.is_none() && name == "auth")) { return match ty { Type::Reference(ty) => MethodArgumentType::AuthStatusRef(*ty.elem), ty => MethodArgumentType::AuthStatus(ty) }; } if cfg!(feature = "database") && (attr.as_deref() == Some("connection") || attr.as_deref() == Some("conn") || (attr.is_none() && name == "conn")) { return MethodArgumentType::DatabaseConnection(match ty { Type::Reference(ty) => *ty.elem, ty => ty }); } if index == 0 { return match ty { Type::Reference(ty) => if ty.mutability.is_none() { MethodArgumentType::StateRef } else { MethodArgumentType::StateMutRef }, _ => panic!("The first argument, unless some feature is used, has to be a (mutable) reference to gotham::state::State") }; } MethodArgumentType::MethodArg(ty) } fn interpret_arg(index : usize, arg : &PatType) -> MethodArgument { let pat = &arg.pat; let ident = format_ident!("arg{}", index); let orig_name = quote!(#pat); let ty = interpret_arg_ty(index, &arg.attrs, &orig_name.to_string(), *arg.ty.clone()); MethodArgument { ident, ty } } pub fn expand_method(method : Method, attrs : TokenStream, item : TokenStream) -> TokenStream { let krate = super::krate(); let resource_ident = parse_macro_input!(attrs as Ident); let fun = parse_macro_input!(item as ItemFn); let fun_ident = &fun.sig.ident; let fun_vis = &fun.vis; let trait_ident = method.trait_ident(); let method_ident = method.fn_ident(); let setup_ident = method.setup_ident(resource_ident.to_string()); let (ret, is_no_content) = match &fun.sig.output { ReturnType::Default => (quote!(#krate::NoContent), true), ReturnType::Type(_, ty) => (quote!(#ty), false) }; // some default idents we'll need let state_ident = format_ident!("state"); let repo_ident = format_ident!("repo"); let conn_ident = format_ident!("conn"); let auth_ident = format_ident!("auth"); // extract arguments into pattern, ident and type let args : Vec = fun.sig.inputs.iter().enumerate().map(|(i, arg)| match arg { FnArg::Typed(arg) => interpret_arg(i, arg), FnArg::Receiver(_) => panic!("didn't expect self parameter") }).collect(); // extract the generic parameters to use let mut generics : Vec = args.iter() .filter(|arg| (*arg).ty.is_method_arg()) .map(|arg| arg.ty.quote_ty().unwrap()) .collect(); generics.push(quote!(#ret)); // extract the definition of our method let mut args_def : Vec = args.iter() .filter(|arg| (*arg).ty.is_method_arg()) .map(|arg| { let ident = &arg.ident; let ty = arg.ty.quote_ty(); quote!(#ident : #ty) }).collect(); args_def.insert(0, quote!(#state_ident : &mut #krate::export::State)); // extract the arguments to pass over to the supplied method let args_pass : Vec = args.iter().map(|arg| match (&arg.ty, &arg.ident) { (MethodArgumentType::StateRef, _) => quote!(#state_ident), (MethodArgumentType::StateMutRef, _) => quote!(#state_ident), (MethodArgumentType::MethodArg(_), ident) => quote!(#ident), (MethodArgumentType::DatabaseConnection(_), _) => quote!(&#conn_ident), (MethodArgumentType::AuthStatus(_), _) => quote!(#auth_ident), (MethodArgumentType::AuthStatusRef(_), _) => quote!(&#auth_ident) }).collect(); // prepare the method block let mut block = quote!(#fun_ident(#(#args_pass),*)); if is_no_content { block = quote!(#block; Default::default()) } if let Some(arg) = args.iter().filter(|arg| (*arg).ty.is_database_conn()).nth(0) { let conn_ty = arg.ty.quote_ty(); block = quote! { let #repo_ident = <#krate::export::Repo<#conn_ty>>::borrow_from(&#state_ident).clone();<_, #ret, ()>(move |#conn_ident| { Ok({#block}) }).wait().unwrap() }; } if let Some(arg) = args.iter().filter(|arg| (*arg).ty.is_auth_status()).nth(0) { let auth_ty = arg.ty.quote_ty(); block = quote! { let #auth_ident : #auth_ty = <#auth_ty>::borrow_from(#state_ident).clone(); #block }; } // prepare the where clause let mut where_clause = quote!(#resource_ident : #krate::Resource,); for arg in args.iter().filter(|arg| (*arg).ty.is_auth_status() && !(*arg).ty.is_auth_status_ref()) { let auth_ty = arg.ty.quote_ty(); where_clause = quote!(#where_clause #auth_ty : Clone,); } // put everything together let output = quote! { #fun impl #krate::#trait_ident<#(#generics),*> for #resource_ident where #where_clause { fn #method_ident(#(#args_def),*) -> #ret { #[allow(unused_imports)] use #krate::export::{Future, FromState}; #block } } #[deny(dead_code)] #fun_vis fn #setup_ident(route : &mut D) { route.#method_ident::<#resource_ident, #(#generics),*>(); } }; output.into() }