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2020-11-21 16:53:18 +01:00
derive remove unused code and fix lint warning 2020-11-20 01:30:12 +01:00
example update log4rs to 0.13.0 2020-09-19 19:31:43 +02:00
src fix broken doc links 2020-11-21 16:53:18 +01:00
tests Update CI to use the rust Docker image 2020-11-21 14:47:29 +00:00
.gitignore housekeeping 2020-01-31 14:46:42 +01:00
.gitlab-ci.yml Update CI to use the rust Docker image 2020-11-21 14:47:29 +00:00
Cargo.toml update futures to 0.3.7 (https://rustsec.org/advisories/RUSTSEC-2020-0059.html) 2020-11-04 19:34:25 +01:00
LICENSE-Apache dual-license under EPL-2.0 and Apache-2.0 2019-10-20 16:56:50 +02:00
LICENSE-EPL dual-license under EPL-2.0 and Apache-2.0 2019-10-20 16:56:50 +02:00
LICENSE.md dual-license under EPL-2.0 and Apache-2.0 2019-10-20 16:56:50 +02:00
README.md improve feature documentation 2020-05-27 10:22:13 +02:00
README.tpl add design goals to readme 2020-05-08 15:10:37 +02:00
rustfmt.toml update to gotham 0.5 and start using rustfmt 2020-09-15 15:10:41 +02:00


Note: The stable branch contains some bugfixes against the last release. The master branch currently tracks gotham's master branch and the next release will use gotham 0.5.0 and be compatible with the new future / async stuff.

This crate is an extension to the popular gotham web framework for Rust. It allows you to create resources with assigned methods that aim to be a more convenient way of creating handlers for requests.

Design Goals

This is an opinionated framework on top of gotham. Unless your web server handles mostly JSON as request/response bodies and does that in a RESTful way, this framework is probably a bad fit for your application. The ultimate goal of gotham-restful is to provide a way to write a RESTful web server in Rust as convenient as possible with the least amount of boilerplate neccessary.


Assuming you assign /foobar to your resource, you can implement the following methods:

Method Name Required Arguments HTTP Verb HTTP Path
read_all GET /foobar
read id GET /foobar/:id
search query GET /foobar/search
create body POST /foobar
change_all body PUT /foobar
change id, body PUT /foobar/:id
remove_all DELETE /foobar
remove id DELETE /foobar/:id

Each of those methods has a macro that creates the neccessary boilerplate for the Resource. A simple example could look like this:

/// Our RESTful resource.
struct FooResource;

/// The return type of the foo read method.
struct Foo {
	id: u64

/// The foo read method handler.
fn read(id: u64) -> Success<Foo> {
	Foo { id }.into()


Some methods require arguments. Those should be

  • id Should be a deserializable json-primitive like i64 or String.
  • body Should be any deserializable object, or any type implementing RequestBody.
  • query Should be any deserializable object whose variables are json-primitives. It will however not be parsed from json, but from HTTP GET parameters like in search?id=1. The type needs to implement QueryStringExtractor.

Additionally, non-async handlers may take a reference to gotham's State. If you need to have an async handler (that is, the function that the method macro is invoked on is declared as async fn), consider returning the boxed future instead. Since State does not implement Sync there is unfortunately no more convenient way.

Uploads and Downloads

By default, every request body is parsed from json, and every respone is converted to json using serde_json. However, you may also use raw bodies. This is an example where the request body is simply returned as the response again, no json parsing involved:

struct ImageResource;

#[derive(FromBody, RequestBody)]
#[supported_types(mime::IMAGE_GIF, mime::IMAGE_JPEG, mime::IMAGE_PNG)]
struct RawImage {
	content: Vec<u8>,
	content_type: Mime

fn create(body : RawImage) -> Raw<Vec<u8>> {
	Raw::new(body.content, body.content_type)


To make life easier for common use-cases, this create offers a few features that might be helpful when you implement your web server. The complete feature list is

  • auth Advanced JWT middleware
  • chrono openapi support for chrono types
  • cors CORS handling for all method handlers
  • database diesel middleware support
  • errorlog log errors returned from method handlers
  • openapi router additions to generate an openapi spec
  • uuid openapi support for uuid

Authentication Feature

In order to enable authentication support, enable the auth feature gate. This allows you to register a middleware that can automatically check for the existence of an JWT authentication token. Besides being supported by the method macros, it supports to lookup the required JWT secret with the JWT data, hence you can use several JWT secrets and decide on the fly which secret to use. None of this is currently supported by gotham's own JWT middleware.

A simple example that uses only a single secret could look like this:

struct SecretResource;

struct Secret {
	id: u64,
	intended_for: String

#[derive(Deserialize, Clone)]
struct AuthData {
	sub: String,
	exp: u64

fn read(auth: AuthStatus<AuthData>, id: u64) -> AuthSuccess<Secret> {
	let intended_for = auth.ok()?.sub;
	Ok(Secret { id, intended_for })

fn main() {
	let auth: AuthMiddleware<AuthData, _> = AuthMiddleware::new(
	let (chain, pipelines) = single_pipeline(new_pipeline().add(auth).build());
	gotham::start("", build_router(chain, pipelines, |route| {

CORS Feature

The cors feature allows an easy usage of this web server from other origins. By default, only the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header is touched. To change the behaviour, add your desired configuration as a middleware.

A simple example that allows authentication from every origin (note that * always disallows authentication), and every content type, could look like this:

struct FooResource;

fn read_all() {
	// your handler

fn main() {
	let cors = CorsConfig {
		origin: Origin::Copy,
		headers: vec![CONTENT_TYPE],
		max_age: 0,
		credentials: true
	let (chain, pipelines) = single_pipeline(new_pipeline().add(cors).build());
	gotham::start("", build_router(chain, pipelines, |route| {

The cors feature can also be used for non-resource handlers. Take a look at CorsRoute for an example.

Database Feature

The database feature allows an easy integration of diesel into your handler functions. Please note however that due to the way gotham's diesel middleware implementation, it is not possible to run async code while holding a database connection. If you need to combine async and database, you'll need to borrow the connection from the State yourself and return a boxed future.

A simple non-async example could look like this:

struct FooResource;

#[derive(Queryable, Serialize)]
struct Foo {
	id: i64,
	value: String

fn read_all(conn: &PgConnection) -> QueryResult<Vec<Foo>> {

type Repo = gotham_middleware_diesel::Repo<PgConnection>;

fn main() {
	let repo = Repo::new(&env::var("DATABASE_URL").unwrap());
	let diesel = DieselMiddleware::new(repo);

	let (chain, pipelines) = single_pipeline(new_pipeline().add(diesel).build());
	gotham::start("", build_router(chain, pipelines, |route| {

OpenAPI Feature

The OpenAPI feature is probably the most powerful one of this crate. Definitely read this section carefully both as a binary as well as a library author to avoid unwanted suprises.

In order to automatically create an openapi specification, gotham-restful needs knowledge over all routes and the types returned. serde does a great job at serialization but doesn't give enough type information, so all types used in the router need to implement OpenapiType. This can be derived for almoust any type and there should be no need to implement it manually. A simple example could look like this:

struct FooResource;

#[derive(OpenapiType, Serialize)]
struct Foo {
	bar: String

fn read_all() -> Success<Foo> {
	Foo { bar: "Hello World".to_owned() }.into()

fn main() {
	gotham::start("", build_simple_router(|route| {
		let info = OpenapiInfo {
			title: "My Foo API".to_owned(),
			version: "0.1.0".to_owned(),
			urls: vec!["https://example.org/foo/api/v1".to_owned()]
		route.with_openapi(info, |mut route| {

Above example adds the resource as before, but adds another endpoint that we specified as /openapi that will return the generated openapi specification. This allows you to easily write clients in different languages without worying to exactly replicate your api in each of those languages.

However, as of right now there is one caveat. If you wrote code before enabling the openapi feature, it is likely to break. This is because of the new requirement of OpenapiType for all types used with resources, even outside of the with_openapi scope. This issue will eventually be resolved. If you are writing a library that uses gotham-restful, make sure that you expose an openapi feature. In other words, put

openapi = ["gotham-restful/openapi"]

into your libraries Cargo.toml and use the following for all types used with handlers:

#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
#[cfg_attr(feature = "openapi", derive(OpenapiType))]
struct Foo;


There is a lack of good examples, but there is currently a collection of code in the example directory, that might help you. Any help writing more examples is highly appreciated.


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