Overworld Movement (#9)
Co-authored-by: luckyturtledev <git@lukas1818.de> Reviewed-on: #9 Co-authored-by: Dominic <git@msrd0.de> Co-committed-by: Dominic <git@msrd0.de>
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 266 additions and 35 deletions
@ -2129,7 +2129,6 @@ version = "0.1.0"
dependencies = [
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ opt-level = 3
comfy = { version = "0.4.0", features = ["wayland"] }
log = "0.4.22"
heck = "0.5"
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
use crate::{game::ZLayer, State};
use comfy::{
draw_rect_outline, draw_sprite, main_camera_mut, EngineContext, IVec2, Vec2, RED,
draw_circle, draw_rect_outline, draw_sprite, error, info, is_key_down,
main_camera_mut, EngineContext, IVec2, KeyCode, Vec2, RED, WHITE
use crate::game::ZLayer;
use std::time::Instant;
use worldgen::MovementCost;
pub mod worldgen;
@ -21,11 +22,158 @@ pub fn draw(state: &crate::State, _engine: &comfy::EngineContext<'_>) {
draw_rect_outline(coords.as_vec2(), Vec2::ONE, 0.1, RED, 10);
draw_circle(state.ghost.overworld_pos, 0.5, RED, ZLayer::Ghost.into());
pub fn update(state: &mut crate::State, _engine: &mut EngineContext<'_>) {
fn update_move_player(state: &mut State) {
let now = Instant::now();
// Are there any pending position updates? If so, we ignore all user input and execute
// the pending updates.
if state.ghost.overworld_movement_pending != Vec2::ZERO {
"Pending Movement: {:?}",
// Otherwise, we check for user inputs, and update the pending movement accordingly.
let tile_pos = IVec2 {
x: state.ghost.overworld_pos.x.round() as _,
y: state.ghost.overworld_pos.y.round() as _
let Some(tile) = state.overworld.get_tile(tile_pos).copied() else {
error!("How can we be standing inside a non-generated tile?");
let mut requested_pos = None;
let mut requested_pos_diff = None;
let mut requested_cost_curr = None;
let mut requested_cost_new = None;
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Up) {
let diff = IVec2 { x: 0, y: 1 };
let new_pos = tile_pos + diff;
let new_tile = state.overworld.get_or_generate_tile(new_pos);
if new_tile.can_stand_inside() {
requested_pos = Some(new_pos);
requested_pos_diff = Some(diff);
requested_cost_curr = Some(tile.movement_cost_up());
requested_cost_new = Some(new_tile.movement_cost_down());
} else {
info!("Rejecting movement - cannot stand in the requested tile.");
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Down) {
let diff = IVec2 { x: 0, y: -1 };
let new_pos = tile_pos + diff;
let new_tile = state.overworld.get_or_generate_tile(new_pos);
if new_tile.can_stand_inside() {
requested_pos = Some(new_pos);
requested_pos_diff = Some(diff);
requested_cost_curr = Some(tile.movement_cost_down());
requested_cost_new = Some(new_tile.movement_cost_up());
} else {
info!("Rejecting movement - cannot stand in the requested tile.");
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Left) {
let diff = IVec2 { x: -1, y: 0 };
let new_pos = tile_pos + diff;
let new_tile = state.overworld.get_or_generate_tile(new_pos);
if new_tile.can_stand_inside() {
requested_pos = Some(new_pos);
requested_pos_diff = Some(diff);
requested_cost_curr = Some(tile.movement_cost_left());
requested_cost_new = Some(new_tile.movement_cost_right());
} else {
info!("Rejecting movement - cannot stand in the requested tile.");
if is_key_down(KeyCode::Right) {
let diff = IVec2 { x: 1, y: 0 };
let new_pos = tile_pos + diff;
let new_tile = state.overworld.get_or_generate_tile(new_pos);
if new_tile.can_stand_inside() {
requested_pos = Some(new_pos);
requested_pos_diff = Some(diff);
requested_cost_curr = Some(tile.movement_cost_right());
requested_cost_new = Some(new_tile.movement_cost_left());
} else {
info!("Rejecting movement - cannot stand in the requested tile.");
// only continue if some movement was requested
let Some(_requested_pos) = requested_pos else {
let Some(requested_pos_diff) = requested_pos_diff else {
let Some(requested_cost_curr) = requested_cost_curr else {
let Some(requested_cost_new) = requested_cost_new else {
state.ghost.overworld_movement_speed = match (requested_cost_curr, requested_cost_new)
// movement in this direction not possible
(MovementCost::Infinite, _) | (_, MovementCost::Infinite) => {
info!("Rejecting movement - movement cost is infinite");
// we are walking on a path
(MovementCost::Path, MovementCost::Path) => 10.0,
// we are walking across an obstacle
(MovementCost::Obstacle, _) | (_, MovementCost::Obstacle) => 1.0,
// we are walking on grass
_ => 5.0
state.ghost.overworld_movement_pending = Vec2 {
x: requested_pos_diff.x as _,
y: requested_pos_diff.y as _
state.ghost.overworld_pos_last_update = now;
pub fn update(state: &mut State, _ctx: &mut EngineContext<'_>) {
let mut camera = main_camera_mut();
camera.center = Vec2::ZERO;
camera.zoom = 30.0;
// move player
// generate more chunks if needed
let half_viewport = (camera.world_viewport() * 0.5 + 3.0).as_ivec2();
let rounded_ghost_pos = IVec2 {
x: state.ghost.overworld_pos.x.round() as _,
y: state.ghost.overworld_pos.y.round() as _
rounded_ghost_pos + IVec2::new(half_viewport.x, half_viewport.y)
rounded_ghost_pos + IVec2::new(half_viewport.x, -half_viewport.y)
rounded_ghost_pos + IVec2::new(-half_viewport.x, half_viewport.y)
rounded_ghost_pos + IVec2::new(-half_viewport.x, -half_viewport.y)
@ -2,8 +2,7 @@
use crate::assets::ASSETS;
use comfy::{IVec2, TextureHandle, UVec2};
use log::info;
use comfy::{info, IVec2, TextureHandle, UVec2};
use std::collections::HashMap;
pub enum MovementCost {
@ -117,28 +116,61 @@ impl Tile {
pub fn can_stand_inside(&self) -> bool {
#[allow(clippy::match_like_matches_macro)] // I believe this is better readable
match self {
Self::House { door: false, .. } => false,
_ => true
pub fn movement_cost_left(&self) -> MovementCost {
match self {
Self::Grass => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Path { left: true, .. } => MovementCost::Path,
Self::Path { left: false, .. } => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Fence { left: false, .. } => MovementCost::Obstacle,
_ => MovementCost::Infinite
pub fn movement_cost_right(&self) -> MovementCost {
match self {
Self::Grass => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Path { right: true, .. } => MovementCost::Path,
Self::Path { right: false, .. } => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Fence { right: false, .. } => MovementCost::Obstacle,
_ => MovementCost::Infinite
pub fn movement_cost_up(&self) -> MovementCost {
match self {
Self::Grass => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Path { top: true, .. } => MovementCost::Path,
Self::Path { top: false, .. } => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Fence { top: false, .. } => MovementCost::Obstacle,
_ => MovementCost::Infinite
pub fn movement_cost_down(&self) -> MovementCost {
match self {
Self::Grass => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Path { bottom: true, .. } => MovementCost::Path,
Self::Path { bottom: false, .. } => MovementCost::Default,
Self::Fence { bottom: false, .. } => MovementCost::Obstacle,
Self::House { door: true, .. } => MovementCost::Path,
_ => MovementCost::Infinite
pub fn can_enter_house(&self) -> bool {
#[allow(clippy::match_like_matches_macro)] // I believe this is better readable
match self {
Self::House { door: true, .. } => true,
_ => false
/// The size of a chunk (both width and height). This value squared gives the amount of
/// tiles in the chunk.
const CHUNK_SIZE: u32 = 100;
const CHUNK_SIZE: u32 = 50;
/// Chunks
@ -286,7 +318,10 @@ impl Chunk {
Tile::House {
door: true,
texture: ASSETS.overworld.house_bottom_door
@ -403,7 +438,15 @@ fn world_to_chunk_and_local_coords(world_coords: IVec2) -> (IVec2, UVec2) {
impl Overworld {
fn get_tile(&self, world_coords: IVec2) -> Option<&Tile> {
/// Return a [`Tile`] at the given world coordinates, or `None` if that tile has not
/// been generated yet. Uses engine/world cordinates.
pub fn get_tile(&self, world_coords: IVec2) -> Option<&Tile> {
let mut coords = world_coords;
coords.y *= -1;
fn get_tile_private(&self, world_coords: IVec2) -> Option<&Tile> {
let (chunk_coords, local_chunk_coords) =
@ -411,15 +454,15 @@ impl Overworld {
/// Return a [`Tile`] at the given world coordinates, or `None` if that tile has not
/// been generated yet. use engine/world cordinates.
/// Return a [`Tile`] at the given world coordinates. Generates tiles if necessary.
/// Uses engine/world cordinates.
pub fn get_or_generate_tile(&mut self, world_coords: IVec2) -> &Tile {
let mut coords = world_coords;
coords.y *= -1;
fn get_or_generate_tiles_private(&mut self, world_coords: IVec2) -> &Tile {
fn get_or_generate_tile_private(&mut self, world_coords: IVec2) -> &Tile {
let (chunk_coords, local_chunk_coords) =
@ -430,21 +473,21 @@ impl Overworld {
/// Iterate over all generated tiles and its engine/world cordinates. using a [`Tile`] at the given world coordinates, or `None` if that tile has not
/// been generated yet.
/// Iterate over all generated tiles in all generated chunks and their engine/world
/// cordinates.
pub fn iter_tiles(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (IVec2, &Tile)> {
self.iter_tilese_private().map(|(coords, tile)| {
self.iter_tiles_private().map(|(coords, tile)| {
let mut w_coords = coords;
w_coords.y *= -1;
(w_coords, tile)
/// iterate over all tiles and its global coords
fn iter_tilese_private(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (IVec2, &Tile)> {
/// Iterate over all generated tiles in all generated chunks.
fn iter_tiles_private(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (IVec2, &Tile)> {
self.chunks.iter().flat_map(|(chunk_coords, chunk)| {
chunk.iter_tiles().map(|(local_coords, tile)| {
// never fail because chunksize fits alswas into i32
// never fail because chunksize fits always into i32
let local_coords: IVec2 = local_coords.try_into().unwrap();
(local_coords + (*chunk_coords * CHUNK_SIZE as i32), tile)
@ -2,22 +2,64 @@ use crate::{
activities::{house, overworld, Activity},
use comfy::EngineContext;
use std::ops::Sub;
use comfy::{EngineContext, Vec2};
use std::{ops::Sub, time::Instant};
pub struct Ghost {
/// current electric charge of the Ghost
/// Current electric charge of the Ghost.
pub charge: f32,
/// max electric charge of the Ghost
pub max_charge: f32
/// Max electric charge of the Ghost.
pub max_charge: f32,
/// The position of the ghost in the overworld. Expressed in tile coordinates, but
/// as a float as a ghost takes more than one tick to move.
pub overworld_pos: Vec2,
/// Pending movement of the ghost in the overworld.
pub overworld_movement_pending: Vec2,
/// The current movement speed of the ghost in tiles/sec.
pub overworld_movement_speed: f32,
/// The timestamp of the last overworld position update.
pub overworld_pos_last_update: Instant
impl Ghost {
pub fn update_overworld_pos(&mut self, now: Instant) {
// This calculation is extremely simplistic. It will not work properly if both
// x and y of movement_pending are non-zero. But we only move left,right,up,down
// so that should never happen!
let secs = now
let mut movement = self.overworld_movement_pending.signum()
* self.overworld_movement_speed
* secs;
// limit the movement to the remaining movement
if self.overworld_movement_pending.x.abs() < movement.x.abs() {
movement.x = self.overworld_movement_pending.x;
if self.overworld_movement_pending.y.abs() < movement.y.abs() {
movement.y = self.overworld_movement_pending.y;
// execute the movement
self.overworld_pos += movement;
self.overworld_movement_pending -= movement;
self.overworld_pos_last_update = now;
impl Default for Ghost {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
charge: 1000.0,
max_charge: 1000.0
max_charge: 1000.0,
overworld_pos: Vec2::ZERO,
overworld_movement_pending: Vec2::ZERO,
overworld_movement_speed: 0.0,
overworld_pos_last_update: Instant::now()
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