use heck::ToSnakeCase as _; use resvg::{tiny_skia, usvg}; use std::{ collections::BTreeMap, env, fs::{self, File}, hash::{DefaultHasher, Hash, Hasher}, io::{self, Write as _}, path::{Path, PathBuf} }; const TILE_SIZE: u32 = 64; #[derive(Default)] struct Assets { /// Assets directly contained within this asset group, mapping their name to the name /// of the constant storing their png. assets: BTreeMap, /// Sound assets. sound_assets: BTreeMap, /// Asset groups contained within this asset group, mapping their name to the assets /// that group contains. groups: BTreeMap> } struct AssetsWriter { file: File, root: Assets } impl AssetsWriter { fn new>(path: P) -> Self { let mut file = File::create(path).expect("Failed to create assets file"); writeln!(file, "// @generated").unwrap(); Self { file, root: Assets::default() } } fn asset_name>(canonical_path: P) -> String { let mut hasher = DefaultHasher::new(); canonical_path.as_ref().hash(&mut hasher); let hash = hasher.finish(); format!("ASSET_{hash:X}") } fn add_png + Copy>( &mut self, canonical_path: P, png: tiny_skia::Pixmap ) -> String { let const_name = Self::asset_name(canonical_path); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let out_dir: PathBuf = out_dir.into(); png.save_png(out_dir.join(format!("{const_name}.png"))) .expect("Failed to save png"); writeln!(self.file, "// {}", canonical_path.as_ref().display()).unwrap(); writeln!( self.file, "const {const_name}: &[u8] = include_bytes!(\"{const_name}.png\");" ) .unwrap(); const_name } fn add_ogg + Copy>(&mut self, canonical_path: P) -> String { let const_name = Self::asset_name(canonical_path); writeln!(self.file, "// {}", canonical_path.as_ref().display()).unwrap(); writeln!( self.file, "const {const_name}: &[u8] = include_bytes!(\"{}\");", canonical_path.as_ref().display() ) .unwrap(); const_name } fn finish(mut self) { fn write_assets_struct( file: &mut File, root: &Assets, indent: &str ) -> io::Result<()> { for (group_name, group) in &root.groups { writeln!(file, "{indent}mod {group_name} {{")?; writeln!(file, "{indent}\t#[allow(clippy::wildcard_imports)]")?; writeln!(file, "{indent}\tuse super::*;")?; write_assets_struct(file, group, &format!("{indent}\t"))?; writeln!(file, "}}")?; } writeln!(file, "{indent}#[allow(dead_code)]")?; writeln!(file, "{indent}pub struct Assets {{")?; for asset_name in root.assets.keys() { writeln!( file, "{indent}\tpub {}: comfy::TextureHandle,", asset_name.to_snake_case() )?; } for asset_name in root.sound_assets.keys() { writeln!( file, "{indent}\tpub {}: comfy::Sound,", asset_name.to_snake_case() )?; } for group_name in root.groups.keys() { writeln!( file, "{indent}\tpub {group_name}: &'static {group_name}::Assets," )?; } writeln!(file, "{indent}}}")?; writeln!(file, "{indent}impl Assets {{")?; writeln!( file, "{indent}\tpub fn load(c: &mut comfy::EngineContext<'_>) {{" )?; for asset_const_name in root.assets.values() { writeln!(file, "{indent}\t\tc.load_texture_from_bytes({asset_const_name:?}, {asset_const_name});")?; } for asset_const_name in root.sound_assets.values() { writeln!(file, "{indent}\t\tcomfy::load_sound_from_bytes({asset_const_name:?}, {asset_const_name}, Default::default());")?; } for group_name in root.groups.keys() { writeln!(file, "{indent}\t\t{group_name}::Assets::load(c);")?; } writeln!(file, "{indent}\t}}")?; writeln!(file, "{indent}}}")?; writeln!( file, "{indent}pub static ASSETS: comfy::Lazy = comfy::Lazy::new(|| Assets {{" )?; for (asset_name, asset_const_name) in &root.assets { writeln!( file, "{indent}\t{}: comfy::texture_id({asset_const_name:?}),", asset_name.to_snake_case() )?; } for (asset_name, asset_const_name) in &root.sound_assets { writeln!( file, "{indent}\t{}: comfy::sound_id({asset_const_name:?}),", asset_name.to_snake_case() )?; } for group_name in root.groups.keys() { writeln!( file, "{indent}\t{group_name}: comfy::Lazy::force(&{group_name}::ASSETS)," )?; } writeln!(file, "{indent}}});")?; Ok(()) } write_assets_struct(&mut self.file, &self.root, "").unwrap(); } } fn main() { println!(""); println!("cargo::rerun-if-changed=assets/"); let out_dir = env::var_os("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); let assets = PathBuf::from(out_dir).join(""); println!("cargo::warning=Writing assets to {}", assets.display()); println!("cargo::rustc-env=ASSETS_RS={}", assets.display()); let mut writer = AssetsWriter::new(assets); process_dir("assets", &mut writer, &mut Vec::new()); writer.finish(); } fn process_dir + Copy>( dir: P, writer: &mut AssetsWriter, groups: &mut Vec ) { for entry in fs::read_dir(dir).expect("Cannot read dir") { let entry = entry.expect("Cannot read dir entry"); let path = entry.path(); if entry .metadata() .expect("Cannot read dir entry metadata") .is_dir() { groups.push( path.file_name() .unwrap() .to_str() .expect("Non-UTF8 file names aren't allowed") .into() ); process_dir(&path, writer, groups); groups.pop(); } else if path.extension().map(|ext| ext == "svg").unwrap_or(false) { process_svg(&path, dir, writer, groups); } else if path.extension().map(|ext| ext == "ogg").unwrap_or(false) { process_ogg(&path, dir, writer, groups); } } } fn process_svg + Copy, Q: AsRef>( file: P, dir: Q, writer: &mut AssetsWriter, groups: &[String] ) { let bytes = fs::read(file).expect("Cannot read svg file"); let tree = usvg::Tree::from_data(&bytes, &usvg::Options { resources_dir: Some(dir.as_ref().to_owned()), ..Default::default() }) .unwrap_or_else(|err| { panic!("Cannot parse svg file {}: {err}", file.as_ref().display()) }); let mut pixmap = tiny_skia::Pixmap::new(TILE_SIZE, TILE_SIZE).unwrap(); let transform = tiny_skia::Transform::from_scale( TILE_SIZE as f32 / tree.size().width(), TILE_SIZE as f32 / tree.size().height() ); resvg::render(&tree, transform, &mut pixmap.as_mut()); let const_name = writer.add_png( &file .as_ref() .canonicalize() .expect("Failed to canonicalize"), pixmap ); let mut group = &mut writer.root; for group_name in groups { if !group.groups.contains_key(group_name) { group.groups.insert(group_name.to_owned(), Box::default()); } group = group.groups.get_mut(group_name).unwrap(); } group.assets.insert( file.as_ref() .file_stem() .expect("File doesn't have a stem") .to_str() .expect("Non-UTF8 file names aren't allowed") .into(), const_name ); } fn process_ogg + Copy, Q: AsRef>( file: P, dir: Q, writer: &mut AssetsWriter, groups: &[String] ) { let const_name = writer.add_ogg( &file .as_ref() .canonicalize() .expect("Failed to canonicalize") ); let mut group = &mut writer.root; for group_name in groups { if !group.groups.contains_key(group_name) { group.groups.insert(group_name.to_owned(), Box::default()); } group = group.groups.get_mut(group_name).unwrap(); } group.sound_assets.insert( file.as_ref() .file_stem() .expect("File doesn't have a stem") .to_str() .expect("Non-UTF8 file names aren't allowed") .into(), const_name ); }