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This crate is an extension to the popular [gotham web framework][gotham] for Rust. The idea is to
have several RESTful resources that can be added to the gotham router. This crate will take care
of everything else, like parsing path/query parameters, request bodies, and writing response
bodies, relying on [`serde`][serde] and [`serde_json`][serde_json] for (de)serializing. If you
enable the `openapi` feature, you can also generate an OpenAPI Specification from your RESTful
**Note:** The `stable` branch contains some bugfixes against the last release. The `master`
branch currently tracks gotham's master branch and the next release will use gotham 0.5.0 and be
compatible with the new future / async stuff.
## Usage
A basic server with only one resource, handling a simple `GET` request, could look like this:
/// Our RESTful Resource.
struct UsersResource;
/// Our return type.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct User {
id: i64,
username: String,
email: String
/// Our handler method.
fn read_all(_state: &mut State) -> Success<Vec<User>> {
vec![User {
id: 1,
username: "h4ck3r".to_string(),
email: "h4ck3r@example.org".to_string()
/// Our main method.
fn main() {
gotham::start("", build_simple_router(|route| {
Uploads and Downloads can also be handled:
struct ImageResource;
#[derive(FromBody, RequestBody)]
#[supported_types(mime::IMAGE_GIF, mime::IMAGE_JPEG, mime::IMAGE_PNG)]
struct RawImage {
content: Vec<u8>,
content_type: Mime
fn create(_state : &mut State, body : RawImage) -> Raw<Vec<u8>> {
Raw::new(body.content, body.content_type)
Look at the [example] for more methods and usage with the `openapi` feature.
## Known Issues
These are currently known major issues. For a complete list please see
[the issue tracker](https://gitlab.com/msrd0/gotham-restful/issues).
If you encounter any issues that aren't yet reported, please report them
- Enabling the `openapi` feature might break code ([#4](https://gitlab.com/msrd0/gotham-restful/issues/4))
- For `chrono`'s `DateTime` types, the format is `date-time` instead of `datetime` ([openapiv3#14](https://github.com/glademiller/openapiv3/pull/14))
## License
Licensed under your option of:
- [Apache License Version 2.0](https://gitlab.com/msrd0/gotham-restful/blob/master/LICENSE-Apache)
- [Eclipse Public License Version 2.0](https://gitlab.com/msrd0/gotham-restful/blob/master/LICENSE-EPL)
[example]: https://gitlab.com/msrd0/gotham-restful/tree/master/example
[gotham]: https://gotham.rs/
[serde]: https://github.com/serde-rs/serde#serde-----
[serde_json]: https://github.com/serde-rs/json#serde-json----