• 240624 5808bff395

    Rev. 7
    All checks were successful
    Trigger quay.io Webhook / run (push) Successful in 4s

    msrd0 released this 2024-06-29 08:59:28 +00:00 | 2 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: AAF7C8430CA3345D

    This version was used to render 24ss-qc-240624


    • Detect .mov files, and correctly apply -seek_streams_individually for both .mp4 and .mov files
    • Adjust SVT-AV1 quality (CRF) settings
    • Use H264 quality (CRF) instead of VBR
    • Use H264 again for 1080p, because iPads are annoyingly stupid
    • Encode intermediate results with higher quality settings

    There were other changes to the code. Check out https://msrd0.dev/msrd0/render_video/compare/240527...240624 for the full changelog.

  • 240527 6934012c11

    Rev. 6
    All checks were successful
    Trigger quay.io Webhook / run (push) Successful in 6s

    msrd0 released this 2024-05-30 09:14:36 +00:00 | 13 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: AAF7C8430CA3345D

    This version was used to render 24ss-qc-240527


    • Use libsvtav1 for cpu rendering, and adjust the quality
    • Add a dockerfile published to quay.io/msrd0/render_video
    • Add metadata to transcoded videos
    • Create a new fast-forward logo
    • Add question overlays
    • Remove most command-line options and add presets instead
    • Take audio from left instead of right channel (JVC Line 1)
  • 240517 9d87c61a39

    Rev. 5 Stable

    msrd0 released this 2024-05-17 20:58:03 +00:00 | 48 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: AAF7C8430CA3345D

    This version was used to render 24ss-qc-240517


    • Render 1080p using AV1
    • Support german and british languages (british meaning 1st May instead of unreadable 5/1 americanized garbage)
    • Support changing the labels on the intro slide
    • Allow preprocessing to keep stereo (use this if your audio source is a stereo source like a H4n, not for lavalier inputs, these are mono)
  • 231212 f4adda912a

    Rev. 4 Stable

    msrd0 released this 2024-01-05 17:59:47 +00:00 | 59 commits to main since this release

    This version was used to render 23ws-malo2-231114


    • Use AV1 (in a WEBM container) for 1440p and higher resolutions
    • Render the initial version with 3x the final bitrate instead of some obscure vaapi quality setting
    • Fix some issues with 50 fps videos
    • Enable +faststart for final MP4 containers
  • 231114 24ea4ebe07

    Rev. 3 Stable

    msrd0 released this 2023-11-15 12:46:43 +00:00 | 71 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: DCC8C247452E98F9

    This version was used to render 23ws-malo2-231114


    • Apply correct alpha channel to the logo overlay
    • Optionally transcode video to lower resolutions
  • 231031 164c6f9bac

    Rev. 2 Stable

    msrd0 released this 2023-11-02 22:05:41 +00:00 | 75 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: DCC8C247452E98F9

    This version was used to render 23ws-malo2-231031


    • Make memory limit configurable from cli
    • Change global quality of VAAPI encoder to 24
  • 231030 f4fe73bf5f

    Rev. 1 Stable

    msrd0 released this 2023-11-02 17:41:27 +00:00 | 77 commits to main since this release

    Signed by msrd0
    GPG key ID: DCC8C247452E98F9

    This version was used to render 23ws-malo2-231030
