
320 lines
8.2 KiB

#![forbid(elided_lifetimes_in_paths, unsafe_code)]
mod iotro;
mod render;
mod time;
use crate::{
time::{parse_date, parse_time, Date, Time}
use camino::Utf8PathBuf as PathBuf;
use clap::Parser;
use rational::Rational;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use serde_with::{serde_as, DisplayFromStr};
use std::{
io::{self, BufRead as _, Write},
static MEM_LIMIT: RwLock<String> = RwLock::new(String::new());
#[derive(Debug, Parser)]
struct Args {
/// The root directory of the project. It should contain the raw video file(s).
#[clap(short = 'C', long, default_value = ".")]
directory: PathBuf,
/// The slug of the course, e.g. "23ws-malo2".
#[clap(short = 'c', long, default_value = "23ws-malo2")]
course: String,
/// The memory limit for external tools like ffmpeg.
#[clap(short, long, default_value = "8G")]
mem_limit: String,
/// Transcode the final video clip down to the minimum resolution specified.
#[clap(short, long)]
transcode: Option<Resolution>
macro_rules! resolutions {
($($res:ident: $width:literal x $height:literal at $bitrate:literal),+) => {
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, clippy::upper_case_acronyms)]
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Deserialize, Eq, Ord, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Serialize)]
enum Resolution {
#[doc = concat!(stringify!($width), "x", stringify!($height))]
const NUM_RESOLUTIONS: usize = {
let mut num = 0;
$(num += 1; stringify!($res);)+
impl Resolution {
fn values() -> [Self; NUM_RESOLUTIONS] {
fn width(self) -> usize {
match self {
$(Self::$res => $width),+
fn height(self) -> usize {
match self {
$(Self::$res => $height),+
fn bitrate(self) -> &'static str {
match self {
$(Self::$res => $bitrate),+
impl FromStr for Resolution {
type Err = anyhow::Error;
fn from_str(s: &str) -> anyhow::Result<Self> {
Ok(match s {
$(concat!(stringify!($height), "p") => Self::$res,)+
_ => anyhow::bail!("Unknown Resolution: {s:?}")
resolutions! {
nHD: 640 x 360 at "500k",
HD: 1280 x 720 at "1M",
FullHD: 1920 x 1080 at "2M",
WQHD: 2560 x 1440 at "3M",
// TODO qsx muss mal sagen wieviel bitrate für 4k
UHD: 3840 x 2160 at "4M"
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Project {
lecture: ProjectLecture,
source: ProjectSource,
progress: ProjectProgress
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct ProjectLecture {
course: String,
#[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
date: Date
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct ProjectSource {
files: Vec<String>,
#[serde_as(as = "Option<DisplayFromStr>")]
start: Option<Time>,
#[serde_as(as = "Option<DisplayFromStr>")]
end: Option<Time>,
#[serde_as(as = "Vec<(DisplayFromStr, DisplayFromStr)>")]
fast: Vec<(Time, Time)>,
metadata: Option<ProjectSourceMetadata>
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct ProjectSourceMetadata {
/// The duration of the source video.
#[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
source_duration: Time,
/// The FPS of the source video.
#[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
source_fps: Rational,
/// The time base of the source video.
#[serde_as(as = "DisplayFromStr")]
source_tbn: Rational,
/// The resolution of the source video.
source_res: Resolution,
/// The sample rate of the source audio.
source_sample_rate: u32
#[derive(Default, Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct ProjectProgress {
preprocessed: bool,
asked_start_end: bool,
asked_fast: bool,
rendered: bool,
transcoded: BTreeSet<Resolution>
fn ask_time(question: impl Display) -> Time {
let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
let mut stdin = io::stdin().lock();
writeln!(stdout, "{question}").unwrap();
let mut line = String::new();
loop {
write!(stdout, "> ").unwrap();
stdin.read_line(&mut line).unwrap();
let line = line.trim();
match parse_time(line) {
Ok(time) => return time,
Err(err) => writeln!(stdout, "Invalid Input {line:?}: {err}").unwrap()
fn main() {
let args = Args::parse();
*(MEM_LIMIT.write().unwrap()) = args.mem_limit;
// process arguments
let directory =;
let course = args.course;
// let's see if we need to initialise the project
let project_path = directory.join("project.toml");
let mut project = if project_path.exists() {
} else {
let dirname = directory.file_name().unwrap();
let date =
parse_date(dirname).expect("Directory name is not in the expected format");
let mut files = Vec::new();
for entry in directory.read_dir_utf8().unwrap() {
let entry = entry.unwrap();
let name = entry.file_name();
let lower = name.to_ascii_lowercase();
if (lower.ends_with(".mp4") || lower.ends_with(".mts"))
&& entry.file_type().unwrap().is_file()
println!("I found the following source files: {files:?}");
let project = Project {
lecture: ProjectLecture { course, date },
source: ProjectSource {
start: None,
end: None,
fast: Vec::new(),
metadata: None
progress: Default::default()
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
let renderer = Renderer::new(&directory, &project).unwrap();
let recording = renderer.recording_mp4();
// preprocess the video
if !project.progress.preprocessed {
renderer.preprocess(&mut project).unwrap();
project.progress.preprocessed = true;
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
// ask the user about start and end times
if !project.progress.asked_start_end {
project.source.start = Some(ask_time(format_args!(
"Please take a look at the file {recording} and tell me the first second you want included"
project.source.end = Some(ask_time(format_args!(
"Please take a look at the file {recording} and tell me the last second you want included"
project.progress.asked_start_end = true;
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
// ask the user about fast forward times
if !project.progress.asked_fast {
loop {
let start = ask_time(format_args!(
"Please take a look at the file {recording} and tell me the first second you want fast-forwarded. You may reply with `0` if there are no more fast-forward sections"
if start.seconds == 0 && start.micros == 0 {
let end = ask_time(format_args!(
"Please tell me the last second you want fast-forwarded"
));, end));
project.progress.asked_fast = true;
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
// render the video
let mut videos = Vec::new();
videos.push(if !project.progress.rendered {
let video = renderer.render(&mut project).unwrap();
project.progress.rendered = true;
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes()).unwrap();
} else {
// rescale the video
if let Some(lowest_res) = args.transcode {
for res in Resolution::values().into_iter().rev() {
if res >= project.source.metadata.as_ref().unwrap().source_res
|| res < lowest_res
if !project.progress.transcoded.contains(&res) {
videos.push(renderer.rescale(res, &project).unwrap());
println!("{}", toml::to_string(&project).unwrap());
fs::write(&project_path, toml::to_string(&project).unwrap().as_bytes())
println!("\x1B[1m ==> DONE :)\x1B[0m");
println!(" Videos:");
for v in &videos {
println!(" -> {v}");